Cheval Godet Double / Dubbel

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Belgo Sapiens Brewers


Belgian Dubbel


6,7% ABV


33 IBU


Cheval Godet Double, also known as Dubbel, is a Belgian beer brewed by Belgo Sapiens Brewers. It is a traditional Belgian style beer that is known for its rich and complex flavors.

The beer has a deep amber color with a thick, creamy head. It has a medium to full body and a smooth mouthfeel. The aroma is characterized by notes of caramel, toffee, and dark fruits such as raisins and plums.

Cheval Godet Double has a malty and sweet flavor profile, with a prominent caramel and toffee taste. It also has hints of spices such as clove and nutmeg, adding to its complexity. The beer has a moderate bitterness that balances out the sweetness.

With an alcohol content of around 7-8%, Cheval Godet Double is considered a strong beer. It is often enjoyed as a sipping beer, best served in a tulip-shaped glass to enhance its aromas.

This Belgian beer pairs well with a variety of dishes, including roasted meats, stews, and strong cheeses. It is also a great beer to enjoy on its own, as it is meant to be savored and appreciated for its intricate flavors.

Overall, Cheval Godet Double is a classic example of a Belgian Dubbel, offering a delightful combination of maltiness, sweetness, and complexity.

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