St Benoît Brune

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Brasserie du Bocq


Belgian Dubbel


6,5% ABV


St Benoît Brune is a Belgian beer produced by Brasserie du Bocq, a family-owned brewery located in Purnode, Belgium. It is a traditional Belgian brown ale with a rich and complex flavor profile.

The beer has a deep brown color with a slightly hazy appearance. It is known for its creamy and persistent beige head. St Benoît Brune has an alcohol content of 6.5% ABV, making it a moderately strong beer.

In terms of aroma, this beer offers a combination of malty and fruity notes. It has a sweet and caramel-like scent with hints of dark fruits such as raisins and plums. There is also a subtle spiciness present, which adds to the overall complexity.

When it comes to taste, St Benoît Brune is characterized by its malty and roasted flavors. It has a smooth and velvety mouthfeel with a medium body. The beer showcases a balanced sweetness with a touch of bitterness, resulting in a harmonious flavor profile.

St Benoît Brune is often enjoyed as a sipping beer, best served in a tulip-shaped glass at a temperature of around 8-10°C (46-50°F). It pairs well with a variety of dishes, including roasted meats, stews, and aged cheeses.

Overall, St Benoît Brune is a well-crafted Belgian beer that offers a delightful combination of maltiness, fruitiness, and subtle spiciness. It is a popular choice among beer enthusiasts looking for a traditional and flavorful Belgian brown ale.

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