Eden Quadrupel

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De Lustige Brouwers


Belgian Quadrupel


9,6% ABV


45 IBU


Eden Quadrupel is a Belgian beer brewed by De Lustige Brouwers. It is a strong, dark ale with a rich and complex flavor profile. The beer has an ABV (alcohol by volume) of 10%, making it a potent brew.

Eden Quadrupel is known for its deep amber color and a thick, creamy head. It has a malty and sweet aroma, with hints of caramel, dark fruits, and spices. The taste is full-bodied and robust, with notes of toffee, raisins, plums, and a touch of Belgian yeast.

This beer is often described as having a balanced sweetness, with a slight bitterness that helps to counteract the richness. It has a smooth and velvety mouthfeel, with a warming alcohol presence that adds to its complexity.

Eden Quadrupel is typically enjoyed in a tulip or goblet glass, allowing the aromas to be fully appreciated. It pairs well with rich and hearty dishes such as stews, roasted meats, and strong cheeses.

Overall, Eden Quadrupel is a well-crafted Belgian beer that offers a delightful combination of flavors and aromas. It is a beer to be savored and enjoyed slowly, due to its high alcohol content and intricate taste profile.

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