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Brasserie à Vapeur


Belgian Strong Dark Ale


9% ABV


Cochonne de Brasserie à Vapeur is a Belgian beer produced by Brasserie à Vapeur, a traditional brewery located in Pipaix, Belgium. This beer falls under the category of Belgian Strong Dark Ale.

Cochonne de Brasserie à Vapeur has a deep brown color with a thick, creamy off-white head. It has an alcohol content of 9% ABV, making it a strong beer. The aroma is characterized by notes of roasted malts, caramel, dark fruits, and a hint of spices.

In terms of taste, Cochonne de Brasserie à Vapeur offers a complex flavor profile. It has a rich malty backbone with flavors of caramel, toffee, and dark chocolate. The beer also showcases fruity notes of raisins, plums, and figs. There is a subtle spiciness present, likely from the use of Belgian yeast. The finish is slightly sweet with a moderate bitterness.

This beer is known for its full-bodied and smooth mouthfeel. It has a moderate carbonation level, which enhances the overall drinking experience. Cochonne de Brasserie à Vapeur is often enjoyed as a sipping beer due to its higher alcohol content and complex flavors.

Overall, Cochonne de Brasserie à Vapeur is a well-crafted Belgian Strong Dark Ale that offers a delightful combination of malty sweetness, fruity esters, and a touch of spiciness. It is a beer that is best enjoyed slowly, allowing its flavors to unfold and evolve with each sip.

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