Brown Ale BA Mencia

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La Tita Rivera


Brown Ale


6,3% ABV


Brown Ale BA Mencia de La Tita Rivera is a Spanish beer that falls under the category of Brown Ale. It is brewed by La Tita Rivera, a craft brewery located in Madrid, Spain. The beer is aged in barrels, which gives it a unique flavor profile.

The Mencia variety used in this beer refers to the type of grape that is typically used in red wines from the Bierzo region of Spain. It is interesting to note that La Tita Rivera has incorporated this grape into their brewing process, resulting in a beer with a distinct character.

The Brown Ale style is known for its malty and nutty flavors, with a moderate hop bitterness. It typically has a medium body and a dark brown color. The aging process in barrels adds complexity to the beer, enhancing its flavors and aromas.

Unfortunately, specific details about the ingredients, alcohol content, and other technical aspects of Brown Ale BA Mencia de La Tita Rivera are not provided in the given information. However, it can be inferred that this beer offers a unique combination of traditional brewing techniques and the incorporation of local ingredients, resulting in a distinctive and flavorful experience.

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