Steinburg Especial

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Steinburg Especial de Font Salem is a Spanish beer that is produced by the Font Salem Brewery. It is a popular brand in Spain and is known for its high quality and distinct taste.

The beer is classified as a lager and is brewed using traditional methods and ingredients. It has a golden color and a smooth, crisp flavor profile. The aroma is described as malty with hints of hops.

Steinburg Especial is known for its balanced and refreshing taste, making it a popular choice among beer enthusiasts. It has a moderate alcohol content, typically around 5% ABV (alcohol by volume).

The Font Salem Brewery, located in the Valencia region of Spain, has been producing beer since 1888. They pride themselves on using only the finest ingredients and maintaining strict quality control standards.

Steinburg Especial is available in both bottles and cans, making it convenient for consumers to enjoy at home or on the go. It is often enjoyed with traditional Spanish dishes such as tapas or paella.

Overall, Steinburg Especial de Font Salem is a well-regarded Spanish beer that offers a refreshing and enjoyable drinking experience.

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