Bière Brut Calvados

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Brasserie de Malonne


Bière de Champagne / Bière Brut


10,5% ABV


Bière Brut Calvados is a Belgian beer produced by Brasserie de Malonne. It is a unique and special beer that combines the traditional brewing techniques of beer with the flavors of Calvados, a French apple brandy. The beer is fermented using champagne yeast, giving it a crisp and effervescent character similar to that of champagne.

Bière Brut Calvados has a golden color with a slight haze and a lively carbonation. It has a complex aroma with notes of apples, spices, and a hint of oak from the Calvados barrels used during the aging process. The taste is dry and refreshing, with a balanced sweetness from the apple brandy and a subtle bitterness from the hops.

This beer has an alcohol content of around 8% ABV, making it a strong and flavorful brew. It is best enjoyed chilled in a tulip glass to fully appreciate its aromas and flavors. Bière Brut Calvados pairs well with a variety of dishes, including seafood, poultry, and cheese.

Overall, Bière Brut Calvados is a unique and sophisticated beer that offers a delightful combination of beer and apple brandy flavors. It is a must-try for beer enthusiasts looking for something different and special.

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