Bière De Messe

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Brasserie Zythologist


Brett Beer


6,66% ABV


Bière De Messe is a Belgian beer produced by Brasserie Zythologist. It is a traditional Belgian-style beer that is typically brewed for religious ceremonies and events. The name “Bière De Messe” translates to “Mass Beer” in English, indicating its association with religious services.

This beer is known for its rich and complex flavors, often featuring a combination of malt sweetness and fruity esters. It is typically brewed using traditional Belgian brewing techniques, including the use of Belgian yeast strains that contribute to its unique flavor profile.

Bière De Messe is often described as a medium-bodied beer with a smooth and creamy mouthfeel. It has a moderate to high carbonation level, which adds to its refreshing character. The beer is typically golden to amber in color, with a slightly hazy appearance.

In terms of alcohol content, Bière De Messe is usually around 6% to 8% ABV (alcohol by volume), making it a moderately strong beer. It is often enjoyed in moderation due to its higher alcohol content.

Overall, Bière De Messe is a well-crafted Belgian beer that offers a balance of flavors and a unique drinking experience. It is a popular choice for those seeking a traditional Belgian beer with a touch of religious significance.

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