Oude Kriek Handgeplukte Schaerbeekse Krieken

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Hanssens Artisanaal




6% ABV


Oude Kriek Handgeplukte Schaerbeekse Krieken de Hanssens Artisanaal is a Belgian beer that falls under the category of Oude Kriek or traditional cherry lambic. It is brewed by Hanssens Artisanaal, a renowned brewery located in Dworp, Belgium.

This beer is known for its use of handpicked Schaerbeekse Krieken cherries, which are a specific variety of sour cherries grown in the Schaerbeek region of Belgium. These cherries are carefully selected and added to the beer during the brewing process, imparting their unique tart and fruity flavors.

Oude Kriek Handgeplukte Schaerbeekse Krieken has a deep red color with a slightly hazy appearance. It has a complex aroma that combines the natural sweetness of cherries with a distinct sourness. The taste is characterized by a balanced blend of sour and sweet flavors, with the tartness of the cherries shining through.

This beer has a moderate level of carbonation and a medium body, providing a refreshing and crisp mouthfeel. It has an average alcohol content of around 6% ABV (alcohol by volume), making it a relatively light and easy-drinking beer.

Oude Kriek Handgeplukte Schaerbeekse Krieken is often enjoyed as an aperitif or paired with desserts, particularly those featuring chocolate or other rich flavors. It is also a popular choice for beer enthusiasts who appreciate the unique characteristics of lambic-style beers.

Overall, this Belgian beer offers a delightful combination of sour cherries, traditional brewing techniques, and a rich cultural heritage, making it a must-try for fans of fruit lambics and Belgian beers in general.

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