Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek

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Oud Beersel




7% ABV


Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek de Oud Beersel is a traditional Belgian beer that falls under the category of Kriek, which is a style of beer made with sour cherries. It is produced by the Oud Beersel brewery, located in the municipality of Beersel in Belgium.

This beer is known for its unique and complex flavor profile. It is made using a blend of lambic beer, which is a spontaneously fermented beer, and Schaarbeekse cherries, a rare variety of sour cherries that are only grown in the region of Schaarbeek. The cherries are added to the lambic beer during the aging process, allowing them to impart their tart and fruity flavors.

Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek de Oud Beersel has a deep red color and a slightly hazy appearance. It has a pronounced sourness, balanced by the natural sweetness of the cherries. The beer has a medium body and a dry finish, making it refreshing and easy to drink.

This beer has gained recognition for its high quality and authenticity. It is often praised for its well-balanced flavors and the use of locally sourced ingredients. Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek de Oud Beersel is considered a classic example of a traditional Belgian Kriek beer and is highly regarded among beer enthusiasts.

It is worth noting that this beer is produced in limited quantities due to the scarcity of Schaarbeekse cherries. As a result, it is often sought after by collectors and beer connoisseurs.

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