Rosé de Gambrinus

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Brasserie Cantillon




5% ABV


Rosé de Gambrinus is a Belgian beer produced by Brasserie Cantillon, a renowned brewery located in Brussels. It is classified as a lambic beer, which is a type of spontaneously fermented beer that is unique to the Brussels region.

This beer is known for its distinct fruity and tart flavors, with a prominent raspberry character. It is brewed using a traditional method that involves the use of wild yeast and bacteria, which gives it its characteristic sourness. The raspberries used in the brewing process contribute to its vibrant pink color and enhance the fruity aroma.

Rosé de Gambrinus has a moderate alcohol content, typically ranging from 5% to 6% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is often described as a refreshing and complex beer, with a dry finish and a lively carbonation.

Brasserie Cantillon is known for its commitment to traditional brewing methods and the use of high-quality ingredients. They have been producing lambic beers since 1900 and are considered one of the pioneers in the craft beer industry.

Rosé de Gambrinus is highly regarded among beer enthusiasts and has received numerous accolades and positive reviews. It is often recommended for those who enjoy sour and fruity beers, as well as those looking to explore the unique flavors of traditional Belgian lambics.

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