Meerts Tilquin aux Baies de Sureau (2020-2021)

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Gueuzerie Tilquin


Fruit Lambic


5.6% ABV


Meerts Tilquin aux Baies de Sureau (2020-2021) is a Belgian beer produced by Gueuzerie Tilquin. It is a blend of lambic beers aged in oak barrels and infused with elderberries. The beer was brewed and bottled between 2020 and 2021.

Gueuzerie Tilquin is a renowned lambic blendery located in Bierghes, Belgium. They specialize in producing traditional lambic beers using spontaneous fermentation and aging them in oak barrels.

Meerts Tilquin aux Baies de Sureau is a unique variation of their lambic beer, where elderberries are added during the aging process. This infusion adds a distinct fruity and tart flavor to the beer, complementing the natural characteristics of the lambic.

The beer has a deep reddish-purple color with a slightly hazy appearance. It has a moderate level of carbonation and a medium body. The aroma is dominated by the fruity notes of elderberries, accompanied by hints of oak and earthiness.

On the palate, Meerts Tilquin aux Baies de Sureau offers a complex flavor profile. The tartness of the lambic is balanced by the sweetness and tanginess of the elderberries. The oak barrel aging contributes to a subtle woody and vinous character. The finish is dry and refreshing, leaving a lingering berry aftertaste.

This beer has an alcohol content of around 6% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is recommended to serve it chilled in a tulip-shaped glass to fully appreciate its aromas and flavors.

Meerts Tilquin aux Baies de Sureau is a limited edition beer, brewed and bottled only during the specified period. It is highly sought after by beer enthusiasts and collectors due to its unique flavor profile and the reputation of Gueuzerie Tilquin as a producer of exceptional lambic beers.

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