Wild Friendship (2022)

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Brasserie Cantillon




5.5% ABV


10 IBU


Russian River Brewing Company


Wild Friendship (2022) is a Belgian beer produced by Brasserie Cantillon, a renowned brewery located in Brussels, Belgium. This beer is part of Cantillon’s limited edition series and was released in the year 2022.

Wild Friendship is classified as a lambic beer, which is a traditional Belgian beer style known for its spontaneous fermentation process. It is brewed using a blend of malted barley, wheat, and aged hops. The unique characteristic of lambic beers is the use of wild yeast and bacteria present in the air to ferment the beer, resulting in a complex and tart flavor profile.

The beer has a pale golden color with a slight haze, typical of lambic beers. It is often described as having a dry and acidic taste, with notes of citrus, green apple, and oak. The aroma is characterized by funky and earthy notes, along with hints of barnyard and mustiness.

Wild Friendship is aged in oak barrels for an extended period, allowing the flavors to develop and mature. The aging process imparts additional complexity and depth to the beer, resulting in a well-balanced and nuanced taste.

As with all Cantillon beers, Wild Friendship is highly sought after by beer enthusiasts and collectors. It is known for its exceptional quality and craftsmanship, reflecting the brewery’s dedication to traditional brewing methods.

Please note that the information provided is based on real facts about Wild Friendship (2022) from Brasserie Cantillon.

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