Lambic Vieilli 5 Ans En Fût

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Brasserie Cantillon


Traditional Lambic


Lambic Vieilli 5 Ans En Fût de Brasserie Cantillon is a Belgian beer produced by Brasserie Cantillon, a renowned brewery located in Brussels, Belgium. This beer is a lambic, which is a type of spontaneously fermented beer that is unique to the Brussels region.

The name “Vieilli 5 Ans” translates to “Aged 5 Years,” indicating that this lambic has been aged for a significant period of time. Aging lambic beers is a traditional practice that allows the flavors to develop and mature over time.

The Lambic Vieilli 5 Ans En Fût de Brasserie Cantillon is aged in oak barrels, which adds complexity and depth to the beer. The oak barrels also contribute to the unique flavors and aromas that are characteristic of lambic beers.

As a lambic, this beer is known for its tart and sour taste profile. It is often described as having a complex and funky flavor, with notes of citrus, green apple, and barnyard funk. The sourness of the beer is a result of the spontaneous fermentation process, where wild yeast and bacteria naturally ferment the beer.

Brasserie Cantillon is highly regarded for its traditional brewing methods and commitment to producing authentic lambic beers. They use traditional brewing techniques and only use high-quality ingredients, including locally sourced malted barley and aged hops.

Overall, Lambic Vieilli 5 Ans En Fût de Brasserie Cantillon is a highly sought-after beer for lambic enthusiasts. Its long aging process and unique flavor profile make it a special and distinctive offering from Brasserie Cantillon.

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