Single Barrel 1-Year Lambic (2013)

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Brasserie Cantillon


Traditional Lambic


5% ABV


Single Barrel 1-Year Lambic (2013) is a Belgian beer produced by Brasserie Cantillon, a renowned brewery located in Brussels. This beer is a lambic, which is a type of spontaneously fermented beer that is unique to the Brussels region. The Single Barrel 1-Year Lambic was brewed in 2013 and has been aged for one year in oak barrels, allowing it to develop complex flavors and aromas.

Brasserie Cantillon is known for its traditional brewing methods and commitment to producing authentic lambic beers. They use a blend of malted barley, wheat, and aged hops in their brewing process, and the fermentation is carried out by wild yeast and bacteria present in the air of the brewery’s open fermentation vessels.

The Single Barrel 1-Year Lambic has a distinct sour and tart taste, characteristic of lambic beers. It has a medium body and a dry finish. The aging process in oak barrels adds depth and complexity to the beer, with notes of oak, funk, and earthiness. It has a moderate level of carbonation and a slightly hazy appearance.

This particular batch of Single Barrel 1-Year Lambic was brewed in 2013, making it a vintage beer. The aging process allows the flavors to mellow and develop over time, resulting in a unique and sought-after beer. It is often enjoyed as a sipping beer or paired with food, such as cheese or charcuterie.

Overall, Single Barrel 1-Year Lambic (2013) is a highly regarded lambic beer from Brasserie Cantillon. Its complex flavors, traditional brewing methods, and vintage status make it a favorite among beer enthusiasts and collectors.

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