Unblended Oude Lambik

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Brouwerij Girardin


Traditional Lambic


5% ABV


Unblended Oude Lambik is a traditional Belgian beer produced by Brouwerij Girardin. It is a lambic beer, which means it is spontaneously fermented using wild yeast and bacteria present in the air. This beer is unblended, meaning it is not mixed with any other beers or flavors.

Brouwerij Girardin is a family-owned brewery located in the Senne Valley in Belgium. They have been producing lambic beers since 1882, using traditional brewing methods and aging the beer in oak barrels for several years.

Unblended Oude Lambik has a unique and complex flavor profile. It is known for its tart and sour taste, with notes of citrus, green apple, and barnyard funk. The beer has a dry finish and a moderate level of carbonation.

This beer is highly regarded among beer enthusiasts for its authenticity and traditional brewing techniques. It is often enjoyed as a sipping beer, meant to be savored and appreciated for its intricate flavors.

Unblended Oude Lambik is typically served in a tulip-shaped glass at a slightly cooler than room temperature. It pairs well with a variety of foods, including cheese, charcuterie, and seafood.

Overall, Unblended Oude Lambik is a true representation of Belgian lambic beer, showcasing the craftsmanship and expertise of Brouwerij Girardin.

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